Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Build Day for the Enterprise D!

Yep, that's right, we're going to have an "event" on the server!

- On a specific day, for 24 hours, set aside your other projects and builds for a while and build rooms on the Enterprise D! The more gets built the better!

- This time we'll have this event for the first time on Saturday the 19th of this month (May).

- Log in any time on the 19th you want and build on the Enterprise D. You can fill in quarters like mad, find a few science labs to build, or if you're feeling brave start going deck to deck and filling in rooms as you go! If you need to be given permission for each room, I will try to be around a lot that day to make sure you get it!

- It's a great chance to show your dedication to the project and maybe earn Ensign rank.
- I'll be including some of the new rooms in my upcoming video of the server. Show us what you can build!
- We'll be one step closer to finishing the Enterprise D. Maybe if we have these build days once in a while we'll be able to do that!


Do please attend at some point that day! The more the merrier, the more we get done on the D!


  1. ATTENTION! This is relevant to you interests!
    And to PROVE I'm no scam or anything, I am player "Lard_Bobbo" and I've reactivated my blog to give you all an important message about MineTrek!

    1. I hadn't spotted your post until today, but that was an entertaining blog post. You should blog more! :D
